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Category Archives for Money Management

cash is king

Cash is King: Understanding Liquidity and How to Create More

Over the years my financial focus has shifted as I have continued my money education.  I grab on to a phase and make that the “it” thing for the time.  Everything from real estate is king, to invest

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tax preparation services

Who Should I Pick to do My Taxes: Review of Three Tax Preparation Services

Today I want to talk about who you should use for your tax preparation.  Riveting topic I know, but a very important one if you don’t want to be stuck paying more than you should in taxes OR if you

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household budget percentages

How Much to Budget: Do Household Budget Percentages Work

There are many times in life when we wish someone would just tell us what to do.  It would be a lot easier to pick a career if you were just told what to do.  It would be a lot easier to start and run

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personal financial plan

Four Easy Steps to Create a Financial Plan

A financial plan is crucial to being able to achieve what you want in life.  Yet it can feel like an overwhelming task to create a plan – there seems to be so many details and at the same time so many

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budgeting irregular expeses

The Secrets to Budgeting for Irregular Expenses Without Using Debt

Budgeting for irregular, unplanned and one-time expenses can be a challenge.   It requires an extra level of planning and a bit of discipline to make it happen.  Yet the extra planning is important

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pay off debt or save

Debt Pay off or Retirement Savings: Are You on the Right Track?

The hardest part of personal finance is that it is personal.  A solution that is one size fits all does not exist; each and every single one of us is different.  Add on top of that the possibility that

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Types of Budgets: Ways to Create a Personal Budget

The key to financial success is spending less than you make. How do you accomplish this?  The best way is to create and follow a budget, as this is the only way you know where you money is going. There

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where to save money

Money Saving Quick Guide: Where to Put Your Money for Financial Goals

You have your financial goals set, you are ready to start building up your savings but you have one problem – you don’t know where to save your money.  Not to worry here is a quick guide on where

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organize personal finances

4 Steps to Organize Personal Finances Without Getting Lost

The time has finally come; you are ready to tackle your unorganized financial paperwork.  Yet you are not quite sure where to start, the piles seem endless.  How are you supposed to do a budget or pay

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personal savings rate

1 Magic Number to Help You Reach Retirement: Personal Savings Rate

As a whole American’s have been saving less and less. Back in the 1980’s our savings rate was in the double digits, but each passing year it went lower and lower.  In October or 2001 it was a measly

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