3 Tips for Dealing with the High Cost of Health Insurance

At this particular point in time, it’s difficult to overstate the importance of quality health insurance. Securing good health insurance can save an individual thousands of dollars and assuage huge levels of stress and anxiety. Unfortunately, getting good health insurance isn’t always the end of a person’s medical/financial problems. Indeed, health insurance premiums –– as well as the costs of many drugs and treatments –– are prohibitively expensive for many. With that in mind, today we’ll focus on three tips that will help people deal with the high cost of health insurance:

Build Credit

Taking on debt is rarely a good thing. Yet, if you’re able to take on and then pay off debts on a semi-regular basis, you can start to build up your credit score. Having a high credit score, in addition to a good working relationship with your bank, can help you attain personal loans when you need them most. Of course, loans aren’t a cure-all to debt. However, it’s important to have the option to apply for them all the same. And the better terms you can secure on a loan, the better off you’ll be as a result.

Preventative Screenings

Here’s the bad news: the best way to ensure you don’t have to pay off serious debt as a result of medical bills is to not get sick. That may sound harsh (because it is) but it’s also the truth. On the plus side, you can take steps to prevent certain medical problems from getting worse over time. Preventative screenings and regular checkups with your doctor will help medical professionals diagnose and treat many issues before they become serious. So never put off an appointment with a doctor if at all possible.


One thing that many people don’t realize is that it’s possible to negotiate with medical professionals and healthcare providers. Whether you’ve recently had a procedure like a tubal ligation reversal or you had to spend the night in an emergency room after an accident, you can speak with healthcare professionals about restructuring your bills. Healthcare organizations will often be willing to work with you to allow you to defer payments until later, or to set regular payments at a lower level than “normal.” Plus, sometimes individuals may be able to switch to cheaper, generic drugs that cost less but are just as effective as “name-brand” products.


Debt, in any form, can be a real struggle to eliminate. Thankfully, these tips will help you manage debt from medical expenses and help you remain debt-free and happy.